About Fred

I received my B.S. in Physics with a concentration in Astrophysics at New Mexico Tech in 2010, and received a Ph.D. in Astronomy from UC Los Angeles in 2015. I subsequently did postdoc stints at MPIA, UC Santa Barbara, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. As of Fall 2020, I am now Group Leader of the Max Planck Research Group "REIGM" in the Galaxies & Cosmology Department at MPIA.
Check the tabs above to see what I'm all about. In brief, I study the epochs of hydrogen and helium reionization through simulations, modeling, and statistical analysis of high-redshift quasar spectra. I also use these same spectra to probe the duration and duty cycle of quasar activity in the earliest supermassive black holes.
(Mostly unrelated to my primary research interests, I am also involved in a 7 mm/43 GHz VLBA monitoring campaign of the M87 radio jet, specifically focusing on phase-referenced micro-arcsecond-precision astrometry.)